Shining a light on local businesses and inspiring stories.

The Full Monty is a television program airing on CATV that reveals the lighter side of Montgomery by interviewing members of its community and showcasing local businesses. As an extension of the Montgomery News, it aims to foster community engagement among residents, creating a greater sense of identity and pride in the township. Our program is broadcast locally by Central New Jersey Network.

Business Showcases

Businesses are treated to professional video and photography services that give a fresh presentation to local residents. Reporters interview the owner while engaging with everything the business has to offer. These segments help ignite interest in local business and keep Montgomery stores thriving.

Community Spotlights

Montgomery residents are given in-depth interviews detailing their lives, as well as their role in the community. This provides viewers the unique opportunity to "know their neighbor," so to speak, incentivizing local engagement while highlighting individuals who would be interesting to all audiences.

Historical Walkthroughs

We capture the eye-catching landmarks and scenery of Montgomery Township with high quality cinematography and on-location walkthroughs. These are accompanied by informational accounts of historical significance in an entertaining fashion. These segments capture the wonder and intrigue of the often overlooked, hidden gems of Montgomery.

From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Oaks

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